Sunday, October 17, 2010

Foggy Hills

Foggy Hills, Oil on Panel, 9x12

I decided to try taking occasional snapshots of my progress through this painting, which took me about two hours. These were taken without a tripod or flash, so the quality is not great, but you get the idea. I start with a quick sketch on a toned canvas, then adding the darkest areas, then blocking in the rest of the areas and refining the color and edges. 

Sunday, October 10, 2010

Saturday, October 9, 2010

Poplar Forest Barn

Poplar Forest Barn, Oil on Board, 11x14

Barn at Thomas Jefferson's Poplar Forest
Forest, Virginia

Monday, October 4, 2010

Quiet Summer Spot

Thanks to everyone who stopped by my space at the Lynchburg Art Festival last month. There has been little time to paint in the past few weeks, and we just welcomed home our new addition to the family via adoption: baby Erik, born on Sept. 30. We shall see if I can still paint a few small pieces between diaper changes and feedings.

In the meantime, here's one I never got around to posting last month. The first one was done on location in a nearby park:

Quiet Summer Spot Study, Oil on Panel, 8x10

Looking at it the next day, I wished I had achieved a looser brushstroke and decided to paint another version, this time on a slightly smaller panel and working as quickly as possible. With the simpler shapes and the addition of a bluer haze in the distance, I'm liking this quick exercise much better than the first version. Perhaps I should try this more often.

Quiet Summer Spot, Oil on Panel, 6x8